Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Wednesday, May 31st

Students:  I am out today with a feverish child, I will be back tomorrow for our frog dissection!!!

Today in class I want you to popcorn read outloud section 21.3 in the digital textbook titled "Digestive System".  Afterwards please work on your definitions that are on the board for Chapter 3 of your CBB project.  Tomorrow we will discuss the reading, you need to know what is the difference between the small and large intestines, and how are the liver and gall bladder similar and different.

All make up work is completed and scored, paper copy and all late work files have been swept.  Please check PowerSchool for updates, all Human Body packet work has been added in and grades are most up to date.  Remember that we have major assignments coming up to be collected:  CBB, Notebook, Fieldwork Folders, and lastly the Unit Exam on June 13th!

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Tuesday, May 30th

Today in class we watched the Bill Nye video titled Digestion.  On page 103 of the notebook you wrote down 15 film facts from today.  We also worked on the set up of Chapter 3 so it is ready for tomorrow, if you did not finish the set up/format as shown below in pictures, you need to do this for Homework tonight.
This week start to wrap up Fieldwork and your make up work assignments as they are both due no later than June 9th!  The calendar for May is due on Friday, and you have a Unit Exam on Body Systems on Tuesday, June 13th, email me at if you have questions, thanks!

Friday, May 26, 2017

Friday, May 26th

Class plans for Friday:

Today you will need to work on finishing your Chapter 1 Body system descriptions and images, Chapter 2 Eye Dissection observations/photos, and answering the questions posted below.  You will also need to add a third TEXT TITLE box to create a heading "How the Neuron Works Video".  Do this by clicking Add Element, then select video, then select the Youtube option.  Click the right pointing arrow that is on the right side of URL, click Find Video By Keywords, type in nerve impulse then click SEARCH.  You will need to search for a neuron video, make sure to preview one you like, and keep it around 2-3 minutes, 4 minutes max, select it then confirm it.  Last step click SAVE in the top right corner.   It is now added.  You will need to add a TEXT PARAGRAPH box under it and explain the video, basically write up a summary of the video.

If you are ahead:  get a jump start on....Create Chapter 3, title it the Digestive System.  Make sure to add a nice photo of this system and underneath it TEXT TITLE box:  Major Organs, we will define the major organs of the body:  salivary glands, mouth, tongue, esophagus, stomach, small intestines, large intestine, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, anus.

Your CBB is due for a progress check over the weekend. Save your PDF copy to Ebackpack CBB progress ck 1. When ready click upper right corner to Publish book, select EXPORT AS PDF.  Scroll down to see the GENERATE tab, this is hidden or may not initially be seen.  Click Generate. Select OPEN PDF IN, and Import with Ebackpack.  Then click My Ebackpack, Turn in Folder, and select our assignment CBB check #1.  You are done.  We will work on Chapter 3 and beyond next week!

Have a great Memorial Day weekend.  Mrs. Sanchez

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Monday - Friday, May 22-26th

This week is 6th grade testing.  There are no test, quizzes, or homework assigned.

Please note, Wednesday Classwork is due:  Human Body Packet with 4 handouts from class, and on Friday you will submit your CBB for a progress check.

We will be dissecting a cow's eye this week!
Wednesday's Pre-lab and link:

Alternative:  Virtual Eye dissection  Click Here!

Directions for today's lab:

Thursday, May 18th

Today in class your Nervous system quiz was given.  We also continued to work on our CBB of the Human Body.  There are eleven systems you will describe and find images of, this will be used as a studyguide for your next Unit Exam!

Friday is Career day and SpringMania, there are no class meetings for Science.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Wednesday, May 17th

Thanks to all students and families that donated a fun treat for today's 100th page celebration!
Today was our 100th page assignment in our science notebook.  Please make sure to complete your work today or finish up at home for homework as needed.  Today in class we started the CBB projects.  You will need to get help tomorrow catching up if you were absent.

Homework:  Read the StemScopedia article titled "Senses" in Ebackpack, located in your Body Systems Folder.  You may take notes from this week's readings, the quiz is tomorrow, Thursday and Friday is Career Day and Spring Mania.

Have a great week, dissections are next week!  :)

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Tuesday, May 16th

In class today we worked on the CER for our cottonball experiment yesterday.  If you did not finish the write up you need to finish this at home.  This was the entire period, and was guided.  If absent please come in at nutrition or beginning of lunch for help.  As for the Wednesday day, please be ready for our 100th Page in the Notebook tomorrow and don't forget your goodies! :)

Have a great night!  Hwk:  Read your digital textbook, Ch. 26, section 3 "How does the Nervous system work" to study and prepare for the quiz on Thursday.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Monday, May 15th

Hope you enjoyed your Mother's Day weekend with your family!  Today in class we worked on our Interacting Systems activity and wrote the data on page 99 of our notebook.  Tonight get your CBB, Creative Book Builder, App installed.  You will need to see the iPad tech for help as this is a pre-paid APP that many of you already have and use.  If not please get your APP installed.

Here are the sign ups for goodies Wednesday and the Fieldwork for presentations:

Sign up for 100th Page Celebration

Solar Presentations for the Eclipse

Here's this week's schedule, quiz is on Thursday:

Friday, May 12th

Have a great weekend!  Today we took the Intro to the Human Body Quiz and went over the answers from our Stations lab on Body Systems.  This next week we will get more in detail about the brain and the nervous system.  The Review Packets from last week were collected and scored and will be posted in PowerSchool!

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Wednesday and Thursday, May 10/11th

We worked on ten lab stations that learn about our lab stations!  Make sure your notebook pages have our added notes, and that any revisions to your Review packet are done and turned in tomorrow for credit.

Homework:  Study for the quiz tomorrow, both the Stemscopedia article and 20.1 in the digital textbook.  One page of handwritten notes may be used on tomorrow's quiz, Good Luck!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Tuesday, May 10th

In class we did the Bellringer for May 9th on page 96 and discussed World Oceans Day which is on June 8th and what it means.  Here is the video links:

For classwork we worked on organizing the Human Body Cards based on a simple to increasingly complex level of organization.  Use the Humany Body Cards and Directions sheets in Ebackpack to complete pages 97 and 98 of your notebook.  The cards were cut and put into vertical columns with the simplest level at top and the more complex levels at the bottom.

Hwk:  Tonight read the Stemscopedia article in your Body Systems folder in Ebackpack, the reading quiz is on Friday and you can use notes!  :)

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Thursday, May 4th

Happy Star Wars Day!  I hope the force was with you for the exam today!  If you were absent please be ready to test down in the library for a make up exam tomorrow.

No homework tonight!  Just relax!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Wednesday, May 3rd

Today in class we worked on clues for our buddy and worked to do as many of the 15 word clues as possible.  The rest of class we did our Kahoot review to work on some practice questions for tomorrow's test.  Please study tonight, your Unit Exam is due tomorrow.

Good Luck studying!  Mrs. Sanchez

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Tuesday, May 2nd

Today in class we discussed the seed activity from yesterday and discussed the answers to pages 92 and 93 of your notebook.  We also had groups vote for the top five experiments for each variable group so we set up our plant experiments by the end of this week!  Thanks to all that participated and made decisions for the classes.  Lastly we worked on our flower labeling worksheet and created a 15 word cross-word puzzle.  Your puzzle should only have the answer key, not the clues.  Tomorrow during class someone will be creating clues based on your answer key.  If you do not understand take a look at the image below!  15 words from the Quizlet studyguide should be used, and 7-8 should be down words, and 7-8 should be across words.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Monday, May 1st

Happy Monday!

Your April calendars are due and we started the May calendar today.  We discussed last Friday's quiz score and quizzes will be released tomorrow for full viewing and studying access.  Today in class we did the seed dissection on our kidney bean.  On page 92 you will have three images drawn and labeled:  1.  Dry bean  2. Soaked bean 4. Dissected and labeled kidney bean

On page 93 set up for the questions and descriptions from Steps 5-8 from the Green Science Textbook.  You will need to read pages 368 and 369 to get background information to answer the questions correctly.

The Unit Exam is Thursday, you are expected to study all this week, if you did not finish your lab and notebook pages in class please finish for Homework tonight!

Have a great week! :)

Friday, April 28th

Today in class we took the "Growth of Plants" Quiz and then did a group discussion about the variables we can change and study on our pea plants.  We brainstormed and shared out about Light, Water, Soil, Air, Nutrients and Other factors or variables we could set up and test on our plants.  Next week we will be studying these effects on out plants over 2-3 weeks of measurements and growth.

Have a great weekend, don't forget to study for the test Thursday!