Thursday, April 21, 2016

Ch 5 notes about the Bones

All classes took the reading quiz today, if you were out you will take the make up quiz tomorrow.  Chapter 6 was finished as group members finished and sent videos to everyone at their table.  Make sure to work on Ch. 3 - 6 and finish up the formatted CBB pages.  See the Human Body folder for a template to follow titled "my body. pdf"

Please turn in your Work log #12 it is due by 8 am tomorrow morning!!! :)

Here are the notes for Chapter 5....
  • Bone Facts:  In Chapter 5 of your CBB title this section "Facts about the Bones".  Next step create at least 10 Questions and Answers using the notes below as a Review of the information about Bones.  You want to have one word answers for your questions. 

  • Makes blood cells in the marrow for the cardiovascular and respiratory systems
  • Supports the body and works with the muscular system to coordinate movements and for locomotion
  • Protects the nervous system and cardiovascular systems from major injuries
  • Stores calcium and coordinates from digestive system
  • A baby is born with more bones than an adult.  Over time ossification occurs and the bones fuse.
  • A bone cell is called an osteocyte.
  • Adults have about 206 bones.
  • Bones grow and thicken during our lifetime
  • Joints are places in the body where two bones meet.
  • The smallest bones are in your ear! (3 bones)
  • Are made of dense, compact bone and areas with lots of spaces called spongy bone.
  • Bone marrow produces blood cells for the body.
  • Bones protect vital organs.
  • Longest bone in the body is the femur.
  • Most commonly broken bone is the clavicle.

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