Friday, December 20, 2013

Thursday, December 19th

Sorry, this did not post and I was caught up with a holiday last night!

 Periods 1-3, 5-7: You needed to respond to the Cloning article read in class (find it in Ch. 5 Folder of Ebackpack, Cloning Article "Double Trouble", and also the idea of Genetically Modified Foods which we saw in the video clips yesterday! The paper has five parts, about 2 pages in length, all instructions are in Ch.5 folder of EBP and is titled Persuasive Statement. We are editing a bit in class Friday, and it will be sent in Friday. If sent after it will be collected digitally but will be marked late in EBP. 

Period 4: You needed to study for the vocabulary test today! You have your definitions so review, review, review!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

GATTACA synopsis...

If you did not get to see the film clip, here it is as a summary....

Gattaca is a biological movie that talks about human genetic modification where children are pre implanted with genes to enable them posses the best traits when they are born. In the movie, children who are born with the pre implanted genetic identification are termed as valid and are believed to posses better cognitive abilities than those born through the old traditional way. Gattaca talks about the technology that is currently being used in reproduction. The movie questions the eligibility of technology in reproduction since the consequences are not as desirable as the scientists would love them to be. The movie incorporates genetic engineering, destiny and human determination. There are some group of people who, however, argue that the destiny of any person cannot be changed by anything; not even eugenics and the whole reproduction technology inventions. Instead, these people claim that determination can lead to the success of anybody regardless of how inferior the genes of that person are. The idea of genetic engineering aims at producing designer children where certain desirable traits are targeted in the child (Grobet, 1997).
Vincent, who was born the traditional way, is termed “invalid” since he was not genetically engineered as opposed to his brother Anton who was genetically engineered. Apparently, Vincent was susceptible to disease and mental instability. Anton generally did well in many aspects and easily beat his brother in these aspects. Vincent is genetically discriminated and prejudiced. However, this does not deter him from achieving his dream of becoming an astronaut. In the movie, Vincent impersonates Jerome Eugene Morrow and this leads to his acceptance at the Gattaca Aerospace. Vincent ends up as the best astronaut ever by becoming the top most celestial navigator at Gattaca. The movie, thus, teaches its viewers that determination is the most important aspect of overcoming any obstacle than a human being faces in life.
Human gene modification 
The desire to produce designer children; children with desirable traits like intelligence and physical strength, has led to new developments in reproduction technology. Lord Winston strongly disagrees with genetic modification and categorically claims that such practices would not be accepted or allowed in Britain. There have been cases of children having three types of DNA in the United States. These children were probably produced from three parents. The desperation to produce children with extra ordinary traits has slowly led to a whole lot of new injustices like genetic prejudice and discrimination. Those who do not have the “superior gene” are termed “in-valid” and for that, they are discriminated against as opposed to those who have modified genetically (McPherron, 1997).
Scientists’ take on genetic modification
Since the first cloning of a mammal by Ian Wilmut, there have been modifications on the concept that was used to clone the mammal to the extent that is now common among human beings. The ethical part of genetic engineering is yet another concern that ethicists have raised. With its lack of religious support, genetic engineering has spurred a lot of controversy. However, the big question that remains is whether ethical genetic engineering is as important as most people consider it to be? Is genetic engineering the solution to the day to day challenges that require intelligence and strength? Is human determination the ultimate solution to the daily challenges that face human beings? Scientists in the recent past, have performed gene modification on underproductive women as a solution to their barrenness. Gene therapy has, however, remained unsuccessful until today, but scientists believe that it has gone a long way to in improving gene competence.
There are various forms of genetic engineering e.g. the somatic and germline genetic engineering. The basic idea behind genetic engineering is that the genes of a person are changed or altered. In the somatic cell engineering, the genomes of somatic cells are altered. This alteration creates a new or different function of the somatic cells, which induces mutation. The ability to change the functioning of the cells has found to cure some selected genetic disorders. These genetic modifications only affect the individual, meaning they cannot be passed to their respective offsprings. Scientists in the United States have been focusing on the production of designer children. Another form of therapy is the germline cell therapy that involves the altering of the germinal cells. The effect of this process could be hereditary; the changes could affect the children of the individual who has gone through this kind of therapy (Singer, Peter, Kuhese, & Helga, 2006).
Human determination versus genetic engineering
The movie Gattaca brings to balance the issue of human determination, destiny and genetic engineering. The scientists have strongly asserted that human genetic modification has only gotten better since the first time a mammal was successfully cloned. The perspective of the scientists is that gene modification only makes the species better by improving its ability to survive. Genetically modified human beings are believed to be stronger and more intelligent compared to those who were simply born by the old traditional way.
An undisputed scientific fact is that modifying one’s genes can result in to a better human being; who is more competent both intellectually and physically. The whole idea of gene modification is, therefore, aimed at only improving the ability of the genes and the cell to perform their duties besides curing some genetic disorders. This is according to the scientists who have even gone an extra mile to assist the underproductive women and men give birth. Genetic modification is done by injecting active and healthy mitochondria into the body of the underproductive person. The mitochondria are believed to provide the some superior form of energy that was not there before. It is this energy that enables a person to be fertile.
In the Gattaca movie, a new challenge of discrimination and desperation to get genetically modified people arises. Genetic prejudice is clearly seen when Vincent is not allowed to pursue his dream because he was genetically inferior. Genetic modification is clearly turning into an unwanted necessity since, according to the movie; those who were born through the old traditional way were generally susceptible to disease and mental disorders. They were, therefore, considered to have a smaller ability to perform some tasks when compared to their genetically modified counterparts (Baoutina, 2008).
Anton, Vincent’s younger brother in the movie Gattaca, was generally more physically strong and intelligent. Anton did not face any genetic prejudice and discrimination since his physical and mental competence was unquestionable. Generally, Anton did well than his brother Vincent in almost every aspect of life. The fact that Vincent could not do things as easily as Anton, did not stop Vincent from trying. The competence that he lacked as a result of his genes lacking the strengths and the ability to do as well as his brother could only be compensated by determination; his determination.
Emerging issues like genetic prejudice were some of the challenges Vincent faced on his way up. As a result of this discrimination, his dream of becoming an astronaut was almost being shattered. Out of determination and his zeal to be an astronaut, Vincent had to impersonate a certain Mr. Jerome Eugene Morrow in order to have a chance to work at Gattacca as an astronaut. Vincent ended up being the best astronaut ever by becoming the top most celestial navigator at Gattaca. This was despite the fact that Vincent was not genetically modified and, therefore presumed to have an inferior mind with limited abilities. His success as the top celestial navigator clearly shows the power of human determination. Determination can clearly overcome any obstacles than a human being faces in life (Tang, 1999).

Wednesday, December 18th

Periods 1-3, 5-7:  respond to the film Gattaca today in class, here are something's to think about! The film introduces the concept of a world where children are genetically engineered so that they are the healthiest and best they can be.  Would this help advance society? What are your thoughts on creating humans by geneticists?  How can this help wipe out human diseases, disorders, and illnesses?  Would science be better at creating people versus nature?  Is this ethical?  Could society one day judge us on our genetic makeup?  What problems arise from society like this? How does destiny and determination play a part of our lives in the future?  Respond to the film clip today and what it made you feel or think about in regards to "Genoism".

Period 4:  Classwork was based on class discussion over the DNA film clips and ideas presented.
You can find the concepts in Chapter 5 of the digital textbook,  DNA structure,  Important Scientists: Chargaff, Franklin, and Watson and Crick, as well as DNA base pairing rules.

Your vocabulary definitions were due today, and DNA ladder Classwork should have been turned in from yesterday.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Tuesday, December 17th

Periods 1-3, 5-7:  Chapter 5 exam on DNA today!  No homework!  Good job today and we will start our discussion pieces for DNA technology and Bio-engineering tomorrow.

Period 5:  Please bring your ADOPT a FAMILY money for tomorrow!

Period 4:  If you did not finish the DNA ladder classwork assignment today please take it home for homework!  The vocab definitions are due tomorrow either hard copy or paper copy!  The list of terms is as follows:  

1. DNA
2. nucleotides
3. four bases of DNA:
4. double helix
5. complementary
6. replicate
7. amino acids
8. RNA
9. mRNA (messenger RNA)
10.  ribosome
11. mutation
12. mutagens

Monday, December 16, 2013

Adopt a FAMILY info...

Period 5 only:  Our adopt a family consists of Mom, Dad, twin boys (age 5) and a daughter age 7.

WE NEED ALL GIFTS BY THURSDAY AM!!!  Sorry for late notice I got this late!
Boys are pants size 6, shoes 6/7, 6 tops and the girl wears 8 in shirts and pants, as well as 8/9 in shoe size.

Family would like reading books, school supplies, games, movie tickets for family time.

They need warm clothing and age appropriate toys, jackets, toiletries for Mom and Dad, towels, blankets, laundry supplies, and cleaning supplies.

ANYTHING HELPS!  We are trying to get a $5.00 donation from everyone in class to say Happy Holidays to a very needy family through the Richstone Foundation.

Any questions...please email me at

Monday, December 16th

Periods 1-3, 5-7:  Study for Chapter 5 Test!

Period 4: Start defining vocabulary terms, these will be due on Wednesday!

Both classes:
Check the CALENDAR tab, as the weekly schedule of events is posted and I will continue to place our weekly schedule up on the Class Calendar as well.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Friday, December 13th

Periods 1-3, 5-7:
Today all classes attended the Winter Music Assembly! ;). Please make sure to get the Ch 5 Review and complete it by Monday!  Happy Weekend!

Period 4:  all CBB PROJECTS ARE DUE!  if you do not turn it in you will need to do CBB for homework over the weekend and I will be contacting parents to let them know that you have not produced your work that is being graded as your Genetics Test Grade!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Thursday, December 12th

Periods 1-3, 5-7:  Today we worked on ideas about Transcription and Translation.  The packet we began in class was only practice.  Use the textbook to read and review about how transcription and translation work.  Please watch this video for help and there is practice tomorrow in class.  The Chapter 5 review practice will be due on Monday, start it in class and finish it over the weekend if need.

Tips:  Start with DNA sequence, step one is transcription, it becomes RNA!

Use bases A, U, G, and C.  Then work on creating a strand of mRNA.  Every three bases code for a codon.  This codon can be matched to the correct amino acid from the mRNA codon chart.

Step 2:  Translation, the mRNA gets written into amino acids by looking up the codons in the chart as seen below.  This will be placed on the test!

Here is an example:


becomes mRNA:  UUUAAAGGG

translated into protein with 3 amino acids:  phe - lys - gly
(phenylalanine - lysine - glycine)

Period 4:  Finish all seven Chapters of your CBB.  You will need to send this into Ebackpack, same way we did the progress check of your CBB!!!  If you did not finish your baby face you will need to do this as well to catch up.  There is no formal test on Genetics, this is your exam, so please do well on all your CBB assignments!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wednesday, December 11th

Periods 1-3, 5-7:  Finish your iMovie project and please send it into the Classwork folder in EBPack.

Homework:  Vocab pictures for Ch 5 list is due tonight, send in before 8am on Thursday!
Also, please do the Google docs questions on Monday night's blog below!

Period 4:  Finish constructing and coloring your Baby face.  The drawing of your new baby is due tomorrow, we will finish the packet questions and turn in during class.  All CBB work is due on Friday.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Tuesday December 10th

Periods 1-3, 5-7:  Today we started part one of our iMotion project showing DNA replication.  Tonight go onto the blog link for Monday and do the three questions listed and submit.  We will work on your vocabulary pictures and they will be due by Thursday morning at 8am.  Please use this extra time to go back and do yesterday's homework since the link was not functioning on the iPads.

Period 4:  Finish page one of your Baby Face classwork.  You will need to continue working on your CBB which is due on Friday!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Monday, December 9th

Periods 1-3, 5-7:  You will need to watch the video link and video in EBPack and be ready for the iMotion project tomorrow and Wednesday.  Open up the iMotion Project directions into Pages.  We will be completing the DNA replication projects in class and using iMovie we will clean up and edit the film we take on Tuesday in class.  You will work on the DNA replication movie on Tuesday and Wednesday in class this week.

Print out your lab and pictures so you can turn in your work tomorrow.  The following things are neede in the lab:
1. Title of lab
2. Procedures:
10-15 descriptive steps to explain the lab instructions
3.  Conclusions:  Two paragraphs
P1:  How were your results? Explain why you think you got these results.  What did you do or not do that helped or challenged the data collection.
P2:  Why were strawberries a good test choice and what did you learn about DNA?

The example video which needs to be watched and project directions will be posted in Ebackpack, Chapter 5 folder.  Please review this material prior to coming to class on Tuesday as no directions will be given, you will be forming teams of three and working to complete all filming and editing the next two days in class.

Period 4:  Finish the descriptions in your CBB project.  We worked on Chapter 5 Meiosis and added the phases step by step.  You need to describe PMAT I, cytokinesis, PMAT II and the final cytokinesis steps.  


Friday, December 6, 2013

Friday, December 6th

All classes- Digitally send your signed off Parent form for the Trimester Two Tips document into your Ebackpack Homework folder!!!

Periods 1-3, 5-7:  We did the DNA lab with the Strawberry in class today.  If you were absent, please try doing the lab at home!  The lab is posted in the Chapter 5 folder in Ebackpack, you need to take 5 progress shots (photographs) of you completing the lab and hopefully getting a nice clump of DNA!  We will be working on finishing the chapter next week and I will need you to be preparing for your chapter test by using

Period 4:  We finished and turned in our Punnett Square Classwork and read in our Reading Circle Groups to do the Meiosis section of the workbook.  No Homework over the weekend.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Thursday, December 5th

Periods 1-3, 5-7:  In class we built the Gummi bear DNA and licorice model.  Complete the handout from Ebackpack in Chapter 5 Folder titled "Gummi bear DNA" and answer all the questions # 8-12.

Also, turn in November Calendars and get Parent Signature on your Trimester Two Tips document.
Calendar due by Friday, Tips due by Monday 8am!!!

Period 4:  CBB was turned in today for a progress check.  No homework!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Wednesday, December 4th

Periods 1-3, 5-7:  Finish your Ch 5 vocabulary definitions found in the Ebackpack Chapter 5 folder.  They are due tomorrow, no images will be needed, we will work on that in class tomorrow and Friday!

Period 4:  Finish CBB assignments... you need to finish definitions.  Incomplete dominance, Codominance, Polygenic Traits.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Tuesday, December 3rd

Periods 1-3, 5-7:  work on your CBB project tonight!  All assignments for chapters 1-6 are in Ebackpack in your Green share folders.

Period 4:  We worked on the CBB in class today and most you finished so you should not have homework tonight! :)

Monday, December 2, 2013

Monday, December 2nd

Periods 1 - 3, 5 -7

Today in class we discussed the exceptions to the normal rules of Genetic Inheritance.  We discussed incomplete, codominance, and polygenic traits in section 4.4 of the digital text book.  Classwork was the review questions in the digital textbook # 1-10 on page 243,  this was in Section 4.4.

Homework tonight, work on your CBB which is due on Wednesday.  Chapter 5 is posted in Ebackpack folder.

Period 4:  Finish your Superhero character that we created in class using your Punnett Squares.   List out all the traits and the genotypes as powers on your poster sheet.  Color and design their costume.  Your CBB project will be worked on all week.  Please make sure to complete in class and use time wisely so that you can turn this in on Thursday for a score that will count as a test grade!!!