Thursday, December 12, 2013

Thursday, December 12th

Periods 1-3, 5-7:  Today we worked on ideas about Transcription and Translation.  The packet we began in class was only practice.  Use the textbook to read and review about how transcription and translation work.  Please watch this video for help and there is practice tomorrow in class.  The Chapter 5 review practice will be due on Monday, start it in class and finish it over the weekend if need.

Tips:  Start with DNA sequence, step one is transcription, it becomes RNA!

Use bases A, U, G, and C.  Then work on creating a strand of mRNA.  Every three bases code for a codon.  This codon can be matched to the correct amino acid from the mRNA codon chart.

Step 2:  Translation, the mRNA gets written into amino acids by looking up the codons in the chart as seen below.  This will be placed on the test!

Here is an example:


becomes mRNA:  UUUAAAGGG

translated into protein with 3 amino acids:  phe - lys - gly
(phenylalanine - lysine - glycine)

Period 4:  Finish all seven Chapters of your CBB.  You will need to send this into Ebackpack, same way we did the progress check of your CBB!!!  If you did not finish your baby face you will need to do this as well to catch up.  There is no formal test on Genetics, this is your exam, so please do well on all your CBB assignments!

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