Thursday, January 23, 2014

Thursday, January 23rd

Periods 1-3, 5-7:  Today we worked on our Flower Models and created the first part of the project, tomorrow you will finish creating the model in class, take photos of the model, label the photo with numbers that coordinate with the list of structures.  You will also need to describe the functions of each of the structures and print the FlowerDoc at home to turn in by next Tuesday!

We sent the Seed Dissection Lab handout into the EBPack Classwork folder, if you forgot please do this today!

Hwk:  Study for the Ch. 7 Sections 2 and 3 Quiz which is tomorrow, you have a review guide (not homework) to use as a reference point.  This will be in Ebackpack today after school to access and is titled "PLANT QUIZ REVIEW".

Period 4:  We worked on the Taxonomy classwork today and finished the packet.  If you did not finish the work please make sure to do this for homework.  Any make-up work can be turned in so please also check to see that you sent in your assignments that are late.

We will be working on the vocabulary tomorrow in class, the list of definitions are not due yet!

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