Saturday, December 13, 2014

Friday, December 12th

Life Science:  Today in class we wrapped up on the Fish dissection and also worked on learning about the Amniotic egg.  We will be turning in both fish documents digitally next week in class, please have your labels and questions completed for full credit!  You should have completed page two of the Egg handout and labeled the parts of the eggs and answered the thinking question.  We will work on pages 3/4 on Monday and then turn it in!

The test is Thursday, the review is in Quizlet, click the Web link tab on the left of this page and look for the set on Vertebrates Review.  There will be review on Wednesday for the test Thursday.

Collab Science:  Today we finished up on the characteristics of Fish and did the pre-lab discussion for Monday.  Dissection on the fish will be Monday in class, please be ready for it!

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