Monday, December 1, 2014

Monday, December 1st

Life Science:  Today in class we worked on finishing the Starfish lab in your science notebooks, four pages were done and three diagrams should be drawn and labeled.  Your Studychart on Invertebrates was collected and graded.  Please make sure if you did not turn in you complete missing parts and turn into the box tomorrow!

Tonight's homework:  Read section 3 of Chapter 7 on Arthropods and answer the five section review questions.  These will be turned in tomorrow for credit!

Check the calendar on the blog for updates, it has upcoming test dates.  Remember the Ch 6/7 test is on Friday!!!

Collab Science:  We finished the Earthworm lab  in class today and sent it into Ebackpack folder.  Please work on completing your study charts for the Porifera, Cnidaria Platyhelminthes, Nematoda, Annelida, and Mollusca groups!  Most were already done, or should have been done from last week!

Information in the textbook should be used, write out major characteristics that make them a phylum and examples of different animals that belong to that group!

Reminder that the Invertebrate test is on Tuesday December 9th next week!

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