Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Wednesday, February 25th

Life Science:  Today we finished up on the Notebook notes, set #7 and did the left and right pages about Punnett Squares in class.  The rest of the time we started the Genetics Practice Problems wkst in Notability APP after retrieving it from the Ch 14 Genetics folder in Ebackpack.  We will finish the wkst tomorrow in class and turn it in!

Hwk tonight:  Continue reading, Chapter 14 Section 2, and complete the section review questions # 3-8.  Quiz is this Friday, please make sure you continue to study for it!  We will trade, grade, and turn in the homework so have it as a paper copy to make it easier to turn in and get back!

Collab Science:  We were unable to finish our science experiment today on Respiration.  No homework, we will finish in class tomorrow!!! :)

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