Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Wednesday, February 3rd

Life Science:  Today in class we reviewed for the Mitosis/Meiosis Quiz tomorrow and also worked in the science notebooks.  The DNA notes were started in class today and Periods 1 and 5 reviewed comments on their lab report sections from last Friday.

Hwk:  Study for the quiz tomorrow on Ch 13, sections 1 and 2, use your notebook, diagrams to label Mitosis and your vocabulary definitions to help you study.  If you are confused go back to the book and read about Mitosis and Meiosis to help you get more background information to explain the concepts.

Work on Conclusion Questions and tonight you should be writing up Question 3!

Collab Science:  Work on Review Packet Page 3 for homework tonight and continue to study for the test using the Review pages!

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