Monday, March 2, 2015

Monday, March 2nd

Happy Month of March!

Life Science:  Today in class we finished your Punnett Square Packets for the Superhero project and finished the Superhero Posters.  Both should have been turned in at the end of class.

Hwk:  Tonight work on the "Punnett Square Problems" found in Ebackpack, Ch 14 folder.  You will need to complete the work on a separate piece of notebook paper to be turned in tomorrow during class.  I need you to do all three parts for the questions:  list out Parent genotypes crossed, show worked out Punnett Square, list % and Phenotypes that may result from the Punnett square predictions.   Also Download the Aurasma APP and the ShowMe APP, both are free.  You need to have this done for tomorrow's class.

Your Vocab quiz is on Friday, on sections 1-3 of Ch 14, you can start studying now!

Collab Science:  Today in class we worked on the research for our Whale Watching video to be made for Open House.  Please continue to add facts and images to your iPad to contribute with your peers tomorrow.

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