Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Wednesday, March 4th

Life Science:  Today in class we posted our Digital Zoo Videos to the Gallery and created our Auras for the Digital Zoo Project.  See me if you were absent to get help to link your videos!  Directions are posted below Tuesday's post and I will be checking tonight to see which videos dropped and which did not!  I will put a post on Edmodo to communicate this.  Have a great night.

Hwk:  Read Ch. 14, section 3, do Questions 1-4 and study vocab for this Friday's quiz! :)

Collab Science:  Today in class we worked on our Lab hypotheses and continued our Whale Watching videos group work.  Tonight begin typing up your lab reports, they will be due next week so don't procrastinate.  Please start typing up and saving in your Pages APP.

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