Friday, March 11, 2016

Friday, March 11th

All classes today:  Make sure to turn in all late work to the turn in trays.  Today you will be working on your Genius hour research on your iPads or with the materials you brought from home.  At this point today ask yourself what am I going to do with this new knowledge, how do I show or put into practice my learning, and what will it result in?  Do yo have an accurate way of taking data?  Qualitative data? Quantitative data?  How and what will you compare as your before and after so you are showing progress?

Please be on task and final grades will be updated over the weekend.  I will be stopping in today after school to check the trays for late work, and I hope to have enough time to get the points assessed to count for Trimester 2.

If you have specific questions about Genius Hour, please email me directly:

Happy Friday, Mrs. Sanchez

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