Monday, March 28, 2016

Monday, March 28th

Don't forget the Samburu Project Walk for Water EC opportunity is on April 17th!  Register for MBMS as a team under leader Ella Lee and do this before April 1st so that the cost is lower!

All week:  Please bring a book or magazine so you will have something to read while others finish their testing and you are not disrupting the testing environment.  You will not be allowed to use your iPad, phones or SmartWatches this week, please be aware they must be turned off  and put away in your backpacks.  We will be working on Enrichment activities and on make up work.  Please read the Hayden Vena Cava page 1 and page 2 article about DJ Hayden and his near death experience.  You will need to look up an article related to the Human body and write up a Current Event Summary on the article in class.

We have started this with periods 1,2, and 3 only!!!  Periods 4-7 will be working on this later this week!

HWK:  Do your Work log #10 and please change the date column to the numbered Work log so that there is less confusion on which on is which, thanks!  Testing will be all week so there will not be any quiz or tests in science and the homework is really just make up work or finishing up things as needed but will be minimal due to the testing schedule.  After break please be ready to finish up the year and be focused so that you can do your best this last trimester!

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