Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Wednesday, March 8th

We had our Extra Credit Quiz today in class on the Bill Nye video.  If you did not complete the homework on time please do so by Friday, you can see me in class to get checked off with your notebook.  Thank you to those that did your Homework last night and are trying hard to be responsible, I appreciate it!  :) Today in class we watched the Amoeba Sisters video on Meiosis, discussed what was important about this process and took notes on Page 76 of the notebook titled "Meiosis Video Notes".  Tomorrow we will work on Frankenfish to learn more about genetics and inheritance and how this works.  Have a great night and continue to work on your Fieldwork and make up work for Homework! Best, Mrs. S
Our top 5 facts from the video:  Add these to your page 76 or checkmark them on your page that you got these main ideas written into your notes!

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