Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Tuesday, July 18th

Here is the link for the video to understanding how to solve Hardy Weinberg Problems.

Remember to complete your Ch. 16 workbook and the websearch activity packet we started in the Computer lab today.  Both are due tomorrow and the exam tomorrow is Ch. 15/16.  You have 75 questions, 2 are extra credit, and there are four questions that are free response.  Please use your workbooks, pay attention to vocabulary and at the end of each section test yourself with the section review questions or use the end of Chapter reviews.

Today you turned in two evolution labs, your Ch. 15 vocab definitions and your Ch. 15 workbooks.  I will update grades soon, we are at the midway point tomorrow, so make sure to check your online grades sometime this week before our final week of school.  You are almost through the entire course, hang in there, almost done and keep reminding yourself it's only a few more classes and fnished!  :)

See you tomorrow in the AM!  Mrs. Sanchez

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