Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Tuesday, October 17th

Our CER revisions are due tomorrow!  Please revise your lab, pages 1-3 redo the sections you missed points on directly on the paper.  For the CER, page 4, use the student examples below to help you understand how to write a proper claim, bullet point data that supports and led you to the claim, and finally analyze the data to explain the data.  The reasoning should clearly explain the data/evidence and what it means then use the concepts about potential energy, kinetic energy, and energy transfer to explain how the increased kinetic energy moved the cup farther distances.  The CER should be rewritten on the handout given to you in class or on a separate sheet of paper, do not try to write over your original work for the CER, I want to compare your draft and final CER in order to score your paper correctly.  This is an assessment grade, so literally this is a take home test to be revised, improved and graded for the best score possible.  Do not throw away your opportunity to get an A on this assignment.  :)

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