Your October calendars were due today. You needed to take a picture of your October 2, 9, 16, and 23rd weeks from your student planner and create a note with them in Notability. This was turned into Ebackpack for Classwork credit, the assignment is the October Calendar.
Today in class we discussed the graph from our Materials Matter Lab. We also discussed the answers to page 37 in our notebook: "Materials Matter questions". Afterwards we set up the "Materials Matter CER" on page 38. We worked on a Claim and Evidence for the investigation question: Does the type of material have an affect on thermal energy transfer? This video clip helped us apply how specific heat can be understood in a real life situation!
Please set up your notebook page accordingly. Claim is a one sentence answer to the question, restate the question in the answer to make it detailed and also a complete sentence. For the Evidence section create bullet points of data and observations that you collected from the lab activity. You will use the list of data to explain what it means/suggests in your Reasoning section of the CER. We will finish this on Monday, it is not homework. You need to catch up on pages 21 - 37 for the upcoming week's notebook collection and scoring. Please use Google Classroom to access that document!
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