Monday, January 26, 2015

Monday, January 26th

Both Classes!  The calendar is updated for this week, click on the link to the left titled "Calendar" under your Weblinks!

Life Science:  Today we discussed Test results as well as worked on Peer Reviews of the posters we made of the Space colonies for the Survival of the Human task.  Tonight for homework please work on your notebook and do your summary of notes for the set titled: "Cell Functions notes"  The summary goes on the left side page to the notes you took in class last week!

Collab Science:  Today in class we read and discussed the idea of cells, microscopes and the discovery of cells. 

Hwk:  Define your 10 vocab terms from page 67 of the textbook and put this on a new right side page in your science notebook.  You will need the left page for tomorrow's warm  up activity in class!

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