Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Tuesday, January 27th

Life Science:  Today in groups we did our reflection on Survival of the Human space colonies and turned in our group sheets.  The rest of the time we discussed our lab reports and worked in class on the lab write up.

Tonight's Hwk:  Work on your lab reports and notebooks.  Notebook is due on Thursday, lab on Friday.  All sections in the lab must be done EXCEPT FOR THE CONCLUSION section which we will do next week!

Collab Science:  Hwk:  Gather up your materials for your Candy cell models that are this Friday in class.

Nucleus = oreo cookies, Reeses PB cup
Mitochondria = circus peanuts, hot tamales, mike/ikes
Chloroplast = green mike/ikes or other green oval shaped candy
Ribosome = Nerds, candy sprinkles
ER = Sour belts
Lysosomes = M&M's or Drops, etc.
Golgi = Laffy Taffy
Cell membrane = Licorice
Cell wall = different kinds of licorice
Vacuole = life savers, hard or gummies

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