Friday, February 13, 2015

Friday, February 13th

Happy Winter Break!!!  Have a great week off ;)

Life Science:  Today we worked in class on the Digital Zoo Videos!  Don't forget to receive full credi

Part one:  1. two part scientific name Genus/species is needed
2. Kingdom Animalia is classified by eukaryotes, heterotrophic, multicellular cells.
3.  Explain and describe Phylum Chordata's four main characteristics.
4. Explain and describe Class of your animal, include 4-5 characteristics.

Part two:  1.  General questions are answered including habitat/where found, diet, predators, average life span, which animals are they closely related to, any other environmental pressures,etc., and follow this with 10 additional research facts you found out about your species.

Part three:  Why did you choose the animal and what did you learn that you did not know before or found most interesting about your animal?

The Extra Credit is due by Friday, February 27th and the Extra Credit directions and movie sample is in Ebackpack in the Ch. 13 Folder.  Please take a look and follow directions to earn your extra credit points, 10 EC hwk points, 10 EC classwork points for a total of 20! :)

Collab Science:  Today your Mitosis Videos were due and turned into Ebackpack.  No homework over the break, see you in  a week!

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