Monday, February 23, 2015

Monday, February 23rd

Life Science:  Today in class we discussed the Digital Zoo video requirements, due date has been pushed back to Friday!  We did classwork in our notebooks about Genetics and started the film notes today in class and will finish watching the video on Introduction to Genetics tomorrow!

Hwk:  Read Chapter 14, section 1 and answer q's 1-6.  Write out Q and A on notebook paper, we will trade, grade and turn in the hwk tomorrow in class.  Please do this on paper to make it easier to get feedback!

A quiz this Friday will cover the 14-1 and 14-2 reading material!

Collab Science:  Today in class we started Ch. 4 on Cell Processes and did the first section reading together in class.  Please finish page 81 Questions 1-5, write out the Q and A in your science notebook as your next right page, this is Right #5 in this new Notebook Check!

Whale Watching trip is set for Friday, please get your $10.00 and permission slip signed so you can attend.  The form and money is due by Wednesday! :)  Thanks.

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