Friday, February 6, 2015

Friday, February 6th

Life Science:  Today in class we modeled the DNA helix with Gummi Bears, Tootpicks and RedVines.  The document will  be due on Monday, and we will be discussing your answers and your models in class that day.  If you did not send your iMotion Mitosis Video please get it done and sent into Ebackpack folder for Trimester 2 Classwork.  Your lab report is due MONDAY!!!  Please work on the Bar graph and print out the completed report.  You have feedback on your lab report sections you turned in last week with a grade out of 20 points, please make sure to use the comments to do any revisions!

FYI:  Bar graphs should be set up with two bars per grape, one bar for initial mass and one bar for final mass next to each other.  There should be 5 clearly identified sets of bars for all 5 grapes.   Also clearly label the y-axis Mass of Grapes (grams).  You also need a clear and accurate title for the graph.

Collab Science:  Chapter Test today on Cells!  Hope you did well, and we will be going over the test answers next week.  No homework this weekend!

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