Monday, February 9, 2015

Monday, February 9th

Calendars have been posted in the weblinks to the left side of the blog posts!  Click on the tab and pull up this week's assignments and events!

Life Science:  Today in class we worked on the Science Notebook, we finished DNA notes, the left page we titled Visual Notes and Summary and we completed the Step 2 DNA --> Protein notes!

Lab Reports were due today.  Ch 13 test is on Thursday!  Tonight's homework is to read Ch 13, section 3 on DNA and answer Questions 1-5,7, 9 and 10.

Collab Science:  Work on finishing the Vocabulary Definitions on page 100 of the textbook.  These go in your Science notebook as the next right page.  You need to also download the App title iMotion HD Lite, it's free in the APP store! :)

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