Monday, December 14, 2015

Monday, December 14th

All classes:  Last week we worked on your Group project "Survival of the Human" and finished our group posters and activity write up on Friday.  Please make sure to submit one copy for your team in to Ebackpack, I will be grading tonight!

Today we watched the Cells Rap video linked below, discussed the basic organelles and then looked at other work from groups in class to give feed back.  We started the Cell Comparison handout and we will be finishing that tomorrow in class.

Hwk:  Get supplies for your candy cell models this Friday!  Here are some suggestions for modeling.  You will only need a small amount to contribute to your table group, so if purchasing, please purchase a small snack size item and share with your group of 3/4 students!

Nucleus = Peanut butter cup or Peppermint Pattie (Regular size not minis)
Cell membrane = licorice, pull apart Twizzlers, licorice rope
Cytoplasm = will be your paper plate given in class.
Mitochondria = circus peanuts, jugifruits, or mike and ike
Chloroplast = jugifruit or mike and ike
Lysosome = gum drop, or lifesavers
Ribosomes = nerds, candy sprinkles, or red hots
Endoplasmic Reticulum = bubble tape or stick gum that can be folder, sourbelts that can be folded
Golgi Bodies = different colors of bubble tape or stick gum that can be folder, sourbelts that can be folded
Vacuole = round candies, lifesavers, butterscotch discs, etcetera
Cell Wall = redvines or regular twizzlers, different colors

You have projects and lab all week, please keep up with all Classwork and all of your Notebook pages!  Have a great week! :)

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